World Suicide Prevention Day 2017 

A couple of weeks ago I became aware that September is National Suicide Awareness Month – not only that, but one day has been set a side for raising awareness and supporting Suicide Prevention on a global scale. During this time, I struggled to think of what I could do to mark this day. Something that was bigger than a get-together, more than a fundraiser and had a wider impact than community discussion. It was at that moment that I decided that I was going to create and develop a YouTube channel dedicated to discussing topics on suicide, my experience and the Zachary Geddis Break the Silence Trust’s aims, objectives and missions.
Not only did I create a YouTube channel, to mark World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th 2017 I created my first video content which has went live and is linked below. In this video, which was creatively edited and filmed by Tom Arnold, I discuss the events that have happened in my life that lead me to this point. I decided to extend my reach further than my blog and provide a personal spoken video to express my views, hopes and share my story and the story of Zachary’s life.

Through the twenty minute video, I introduce Zachary and explain the first sixteen years of his life, pointing out the fact that he was a normal teenage boy and then something changed within him. I aimed to use the example that ‘not all wounds are visible’ as a way to connect his story with the rest of the world, because not all wounds are visible and this is certainly a trait that is evident with my brother, judging on his appearance you would never know that there was a problem. 

I have read many scholarly articles, from being a Master of Law I have learned to research my topic before writing my opinion – the views of ‘help’ sites on using the correct terms to discuss suicide and the impact of speaking publicly about my brother, his issues and his life can have an adverse effect by in tern Glamourising suicide. But what is glamorous about suicide? What is good about leaving your loved ones behind and witnessing the pain I now experience as a big sister without my little brother? The answer to preventing suicide lies in society – our way of expressing our own views without listening to those who have not experienced an event like I have, and like many other families have can impact those who are feeling depressed. I do not claim to be a doctor in the video, I claim to be a loving big sister with hope to change the future. 
I hope this video can help someone in need. Please send me a message if you are needing to talk. 

A post on ‘The glamourising of suicide’ is coming soon.

Please watch.